Clear Creek Middle school is the 7th and 8th grade complex for the Gilmer County school system.
Every student will take at least 4 core academics- English/Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Some students will have the opportunity, based on their individual needs, to take a fifth academic course.
Students will also rotate through a variety of connections classes such as band, chorus, agriculture, technology, business, family and consumer science, art, physical education and health.
For test results please go here.
1. Our student population will be approximately 625 this year. (7th and 8th Grade)
2. Nearly 70% of our student population will qualify for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program.
3. Approximately 9% of our student population qualifies for Special Education Services.
4. CCMS demographics; Approximately 82% Caucasian, 17% Hispanic, .005% African American, .005% Multi-ethnicity.
Nuts and Bolts-
1. CCMS will continue with our “A.C.E.S Schedule”. Each student taking 5, 70 min. classes.
2. A continued emphasis will be placed on relevancy with the CCRPI (College and Career Ready Performance Index), especially within our CTAE Programs. Family and Consumer Science, Technology, and Agriculture courses are aligned with GHS/State Career Pathways.
3. Our success period schedule is an academic incentive that will be utilized, in various formats (Coverage of Character Education, Study Hall, and Socialization), to create a sense of personal academic accountability.
4. All Grade Level Teachers have a common planning time and are expected to formulate common summative assessment pieces, and discuss individual student needs.
5. All Departments meet monthly with a set agenda.
6. The CCMS Building Leadership Team meets monthly with a set agenda.
7. All classrooms have Essential Questions/Enduring Understandings posted so children are aware of our/their classroom goals.
8. We focus on standards and teach for mastery. NOT pacing guide completion.
9. Students are provided specific and timely feedback to improve instruction.
10. Student accomplishments and exemplary work are celebrated with regularity. (Success Award, Student of the Month, CCMS Wall of Fame, WLJA Student of the Week, etc)
School Improvement-
1. Continued lesson planning with collaboration from supplemental services (ESOL/Special Education).
2. Additional staff training with utilizing data for common assessments, RTI, differentiation
Home/School Partnership-
1. CCMS provides parents with academic printed progress reports every 4 weeks.
2. CCMS utilizes “Remind” text service for academic/general messages (Free)
3. CCMS utilizes an automated calling system for academic/general messages
4. CCMS utilizes its School Governance Team as the way to set the vision and make governing decision regarding school policies and procedures
5. CCMS provides email access to all Faculty/Staff so parents have direct contact.
FAQ - Frequency Asked Questions
Severe Weather - 706-276-7669
What time does school start? First period starts at 7:45
Are exam exemptions in place this school year? Yes! The exam exemption policy is posted on the school website.Tardiness to school as well as absences will count against your ability to exempt the final exams!
What time can students be dropped off in the mornings? 7:15. We are unable to provide student monitoring before that time!
When is breakfast? Breakfast starts being served at 7:15
Where do students need to be dropped off if they ride in a vehicle? Front of the building After a student is dropped off, can the parent turn to the right and exit towards Yukon? Yes, but be careful and mindful of the buses
Does the parent need to come in to sign students in when they are late? No, but students are required to sign in upon entering the building. Without a parent or medical note, the tardy will be unexcused.
What time can students be picked up in the afternoon? Students are dismissed to buses at 2:53, car riders at 2:57. Students must be picked up by 4 PM. If you are after 4 PM we recommend you register your child with the Boys and Girls Club for after school care by contacting Jan Day @ 706-276-2582 or consider having your child ride the bus home. CCMS does not offer after school care.
How do I change my student’s transportation? A handwritten note must be turned into the front office as soon as possible that is signed and turned in or an email sent to [email protected]. This note must also contain a guardian contact telephone number (the school will call and verify). Change in destinations will not be made after 2:30
How much are meals? Student breakfast: Free, Student lunch: $2.25, $.40 reduced, Adult breakfast, $1.75, Adult Lunch, $3.00. Please consider filling out a free and reduced lunch form, found on our website. Before their minds can be fed, their bellies must be!
Can you bring outside food and beverage inside the building? Outside food and beverages are not allowed down the grade level hallways, classrooms or in the cafeteria. Please discard those items before entering the academic areas. Only water down the hallways and inside classrooms- help us keep the school bug free.
When are pictures? Oct. 4. Retakes: Nov. 2.
When can we start checking out library books? The first day of school.
Will my child have time to get in his/her locker between classes? Teachers will provide students an opportunity to go to their lockers
Are students allowed to bring book bags to class? Yes
Are there any field trips this year? Yes. To be eligible to attend students must follow the PBIS guidlines.
Are there immunizations that students need entering the 7th or 8th grade? Yes, be sure to check our website for information related to immunizations (Parent tab, Registration Information)
Do we encourage students to dress in spirit shirts on Fridays? Yes! And every other day! We love for students to show their Bobcat Pride!
Can my child stay after school to attend an academic, an arts or an athletic event? Due to the game times CCMS is unable to provide after school care.
Can I receive text alerts? Yes, text CCMalert to 91011